Know Us
Turning Interest Into Action
All of us get concerned for some great cause or the other and wish to do something in that direction. Many of us take a leap and contribute our bit in that particular direction. i for inclusion came into inception following similar lines and positive intent. It started in March 2020 by dedicated and highly concerned experts based in different geographical regions but share one thing in common i.e. to improve the quality of life of neurodivergent children in all respects. It was the time when the whole world came into lethal clutches of Coronavirus and many nations including India announced nationwide lockdown.
The situation kept worsening and the whole world suffered huge losses in terms of jobs, occupations and businesses, mourned over losing their loved ones and witnessed mass exodus and several things terrifying and horrific. Everything came to a standstill with every establishment completely shut. Staying indoors under the grip of fear is no less than a brutal punishment and it was turning more terrible for our neurodivergent children who required more attention, care, love, affection, direction and smiles and the experts decided to begin this new unending glorious Chapter in the form of i for inclusion. Though the Therapy Centres and other support services were non-operational, the team at i for inclusion decided to reach out everyone far and wide in order to help them in the best possible manner.
Vision and Mission
Our vision is to create a world in which individuals with neurological differences are valued and included in all aspects of society. This vision is based on the understanding that neurodiversity is a natural variation in the human population and that it should be recognized and celebrated as such.
Our mission is to promote the acceptance, understanding, and inclusion of neurodivergent individuals in all areas of society, including education, employment, healthcare, and social interactions. This mission is achieved through a variety of activities, including advocacy, education, training and community building.